Upcoming events
Want to book a orange experience?

Dive into the awesome world of orange wine with me in a way you have never tasted wine before.

Whether you're a wine lover eager to geek out or fresh into wine and the word "skin contact", I got you covered. My tastings are fun, casual, and focused around having a good time while learning something.

Spruce up your team events or parties with a orange wine tasting. I have done everything from corporate events to bachelorette parties, making sure everyone has a good time while sipping on the goodness of orange wines.

Interested in booking? Send me a message, tell me what you're after, and I will give you a personalized offer.

Odin @ Trevarefest 2023 (Photo: Elin Froderberg)
Odin @ SKIN Orange Wine Fest Oslo 2023 (Photo: Magnus Gulliksen)
Odin @ Vinbaren på Mølla 2022